Free Electronic Music for YouTube [Direct DL]

Listen to the most popular free, royalty free electronic music on this site. Human made music, NOT AI. BjoKib who is the composer behind the music here prides on delivering quality over quantity. Find the perfect track for your next media project or YouTube video. Or browse around using the buttons below if you are looking for something else in the electronic music genre.

Popular Tracks:

How This Works:

Use music for free? Just copy this link (click the button to copy the text to clipboard!): paste to wherever you use the music. YouTube video description, instagram post, facebook page, your website, twitch profile, etc. If you cant credit, click the button below to find an appropriate license from Pond5 audio library. OR you can find some, of my free tracks using the free license certificate on Pixabay.


25.02.2024 – Uploaded three melodic house tracks. Interdimensional, Ancient Operations, Sacred Geometry
26.11.2023 – Uploaded one dance track. The Hustle.
24.11.2023 – Uploaded one melodic house track. Afternoon.
12.10.2023 – Uploaded three melodic house tracks. Red Planet, Sublime Pulse, Aether Breeze

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